Caucasus Online vs United Telecom of Georgia

On November 3, Caucasus Online and United Telecom of Georgia (UTG), two biggest internet providers of the country arranged the meeting. According to the Interpressnews, the only result of the meeting was that they decided to sign an arrangement on November 4.

Caucasus Online takes responsibility to cover GEL 624 712 arrears. Based on the agreement, Caucasus Online will return back to UTG bilaterally signed documents during last 2 years. The company will also pay GEL 500 000 which has caused range of disagreements between two companies. Because of it Caucasus Online was not allowed on the electronic communication cannels.
Officially the disagreement between two companies finished on October, 28, but 6 000 subscribers of the Caucasus Online are still without internet connection. As the representatives of the company explain this is caused by the technical problems with UTG, which will also be solved in nearest future. UTG has stopped providing devices of Caucasus Online with the electricity and this has been the main reason why thousands of subscribers are left without internet connection.
Caucasus Online is a merger of three internet providers, Caucasus Network, Sanet and Georgia Online. These three market leaders united under the common name in 2006. United Telecom is the provider of the telecommunication services in Georgia, providing a telephone network and underground communication facilities. The relation between UTG and Caucasus Online has been strained since June 2005, when United Telecom announced that it would offer its own internet service.
